Archive: September 2013

Constitutional Court Judgement

In this regard the Constitutional Court Judgement 31/1981. The nuances to consider, outlines the common behaviors and the consequences of any complaints, which occur in the area of the relationships studied are: – Lack of specificity of the type alleged by the complainant undertakes to make the most favorable interpretation for the defendant. (AP Granada, S8.3.2007 1st sec.) – The statements made by the accused in his defense and explanation of the facts that imply, should be interpreted as the right not to incriminate himself and not pleading guilty to assisting you. (AP Granada, 2nd S7.3.2007 sec.) – Awareness of inveracidad of the complaints, not their mere inaccuracy, constitute the offense of the crime of false accusation and allows convict the accused. (AP Valencia, S26.2.2007 1st sec.) – The falsity of the complaint does not necessarily follow the acquittal or the file actions, which may respond to reasons other than lack of veracity of the complaint made.

(AP Madrid, 5th sec, A 26/02/2007). However, professional charges exist no author, leading police and judicial action, if you set the crime of false accusation. (AP Madrid, 09/02/2007 S 16th sec.) The assessment of the evidence consisting of a personal testimony can only be made by the court before which the practice and provided that the mediated "immediacy, contradiction and advertising" in preserving the presumption of innocence to the extent provided for in Article 24.2 EC and doctrinal interpretation compared to the same Constitutional Court and European Court of Human Rights. (AP Lleida, 1st sec S 19.12.2006).

Coach Process

Did you ever try change the behavior of an adult who had no interest in doing so? Work only with executives who are willing to make a sincere effort to change and believe that this change will help them become better leaders. The second requirement is not working with clients referred by serious violations of the law or personal integrity, I believe that people with violations of integrity, must be denounced and dismissed, not coacheadas. A process of coaching for change of behavior only works if the company is willing to give the customer a fair chance and if the is motivated to improve, if these conditions do not exist, this process should not be used. Please note that customers will not become a better person thanks to his experience as a coach. The coach is not the key factor in behavior change. a client with great capacity of work and motivated is more important than a brilliant Coach! The main variables that determine long-term progress are the people who are coachean and his co-workers and interested public, these involved helping the person in four important respects: 1) release the past. When we continually recall the past, we managed to demoralize those who are trying to change. What happened in the past cannot be changed.

To focus on a future that can be better (as opposed to a past which cannot), the companions help improve your customer.This process is called feedforward instead of feedback. (2) Be useful and support, not cynical, sarcastic, or judge. As part of client coaching process, they should involve co-workers and they are asked aid. If the client arrives to the main parties concerned and feels punished for trying to improve, it will usually stop try. Not be can blame him, since none of us will work hard to build relationships with people who will not give you a chance.