National Movement

Another one interesting side of the Law in testilha is its consequence in the career of the professionals of the rea, vulgarly classified as ' ' catadores of lixo' '. Severino Rasp Jnior, representative of the National Movement of the Catadores de Lixo, affirms with property that the professionals of the branch desire to be known as catadores of materials you recycle, what she would bring more respect to the classroom and until, in next future, possibilities of magnifying of the functions of these professionals, as for example the responsibility how much to the separation of the different types of solid residues, what she could also reflect in new wage plan. People such as Gary Kelly would likely agree. As already affirmed, the main target of the law is the company, since they show as the main causers of the old problem of the solid residues, through the manufacture of products in series with the only objective of the profit attainment. Until some in relation to the companies and the debris left in the environment for the same ones did not exist responsabilizao here. Important to stand out that the new norm does not make any type of distinction in what refers to the public companies or private in what refers to the degree of responsabilizao for the residues, position that is clear with the hermeneutics of 1 of the article, that establishes: 1o Is citizens to the observance of this Law the physical or legal people, of public law or private, responsible, directly or indirectly, for the generation of solid residues and the ones that develop actions related to the integrated management or the management of solid residues. The responsabilizao of the companies will occur effectively by means of the application of logistic reversa, procedure has very implanted for the professionals of the area of the Logistic one, however normatizado for the first time. This technique also is disciplined by the law in epigraph, more necessarily in the article 3, interpolated proposition XI, to follow reproduced ipsis literis: XI – logistic reversa: instrument of economic development social characterized for a set of action, destined procedures and ways to make possible the collection and the restitution of the solid residues to the enterprise sector, for reaproveitamento, in its cycle or other productive cycles, or another final destination ambiently adjusted; The objective of the Law is to compel the companies to use a method, logistic reserve, invented for them proper, but that dantes he was used only for profit attainment, since with the reutilizao of the products the expenses with the production were reduced. . .

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