The Advantages

The advantages of this approach are obvious, but no description of them is the purpose of this article. Here we will highlight the answer to the question posed at the beginning. So all – again, for whatever reason, many managers, realizing that this is necessary, do not move to a new system of work and thereby inhibit the development of the organization, thereby reducing the efficiency of work? Lion's share of the most 80%, did not embody their intentions interfere mainly two reasons: One of the most common causes is the inability person receiving solutions for a company to formulate a query about their needs and expectations. "What I'm really looking forward to work attracted the company?" Clearly answer to this question may be not many. Fear of being at a disadvantage situations, recognizing themselves and (the worst), others that he does not know how you like processes in the company after the reorganization, cuts off the largest number of initiatives that are at its core the desire to improve rabotyNeuverennost in an adequate response to the ongoing changes in personnel. Any change in an organization can cause opposition from the already existing staff and similar reaction they could jeopardize not only the implementation of changes, but the existing system in an organization. Implementation of activities developed by external experts, always making adjustments in approach and style interaction within the organization Fear of losing first-person control over the situation and respect among subordinates prevented a very large number of managers to implement its decision. These are the main reasons on which the leaders of the organization, people, the main functionality of which is to create conditions for effective work of the company, resisted the introduction of these same decisions. They continue to delay the time of referral to attracted from outside professionals, and is often overlooked when the situation in the organization could still improve quite little effort, and as a result of this indecision suffer losses and loss are often irrecoverable.

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