The Number

7 Realistic scheduling scheduling a project should be always measured on conservative assumptions are based and floats take into account. While it is understandable that the client want to quickly report success from their project and refuse therefore to generous scheduling but exceeded the planned and communicated runtime is certainly even less interested in her. It is therefore advisable to create a realistic and comprehensible scheduling and to vote. Under no circumstances the should be mistake, to reject a valid patch scheduling by opportunistischeVorgaben. 8 Risks clearly designate in every project there are risks. This is so obvious, that some risks as seen and neither classified nor evaluated.

For example, a deployment so the risk to be able to deliver the project results or not completely risk in almost all projects. Not named risks lead to a loss of confidence in the risk management and the project management in case of its occurrence. Should therefore be fully listed project risks within the framework of project planning, According to probability of occurrence and amount of damages assessed and communicated to stakeholders. 9 The quality in mind keep quality management in the project deals with the planning and controlling of quality. Often this is based only on the quality of the required deliverables and not also on the quality of the project management itself.

Because the satisfaction of stakeholders depends on the results but also by the implementation of the project, is to implement a quality management system which adequately takes into account both aspects. 10 Less is more the number of successfully completed projects is more important than the number of ongoing projects. Often it is mistakenly assumed that as many parallel projects are more results be achieved. But as so often should have quality takes precedence over quantity: the focus on fewer projects reduced voting requirements and reduces necessary multitasking. In particular at the decision-making levels, same decision-making capacity on a spread

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