Dog Trainer Oliver Baier

Efficient dog training and dog training in the dog Center Baier of dog school in Ulm, Germany. For more than 20 years, dog trainer Oliver Baier deals with the dog training and dog training of dogs of different breeds, character traits and driving investments. During this time, dogs (people) were trained, corrected, treated motivated and trained to friendly, lively, loyal, and above all reliable companions in all the ways of their lives. Influenced by his parents started this sport dog training and was integrated very quickly here as Figurant (helper) in the training processes. Through the experience of the sport dog training, he was given the opportunity in the service dog training as a coach and Figurant in the Bundeswehr. For many years he gained experience as well as dog owners as well as dog athletes, trainers, dog trainer and protection service helpers. This knowledge and experience flow into the dog training and dog training continuously and directly with a. Through continuous training and development in 1995 recorded the title world winner open class males and females as a success.

In the foreground of the education is always the friendly for us but can’t quite consistent and positive motivation without which no dog learn balanced; Oliver Baier. We correct not only your dog, but we will teach you to handle your dog naturally and humanely correct the animal in any situation and to lead. The success of the training occurs if the dog owner able to affect his dog depending on the situation and promptly. Since 2005 dog trainer Oliver Baier works very closely with Vice World Champion, four times member of the Swiss team in the Mondioring and captain of the US Modioring national team Rene Sagarra together. Seminars, demonstrations and service dogs inserts in different countries (CH, D, F, A, Slovakia, United States, Canada and Brazil)

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