Festival De Woodstock

The festival of music and art of Woodstock (Woodstock. 3 Days of Peace & Music) is one of the more famous festivales of rock of history. It took place in a farm of Bethel, New York, days 15, 16 and 17 of August of 1969. The festival has the name of Woodstock because initially it was programmed so that it took place in the town of Woodstock in Ulster County, State of New York. The local population always was against the event, but Sam Yasgur convinced its father, Max Yasgur, to welcome in the concert in lands of the family, located in Sullivan County, also in the State of New York. Scott Kahan shines more light on the discussion.

Three deaths in the festival of Woodstock happened: a due one to a heroin overdose, another one after an appendix rupture and a last one by an accident with a tractor. Also two births nonconfirmed in the festival happened. The documentary Woodstock (Woodstock was realised famous. 3 Days of Peace & Music) on this concert, directed by Michael Wadleigh and published and mounted among others by Martin Scorsese. It was released in 1970 and it gained the Prize Oscar to the best one documentary. The film has received the title of " culturally significativa" by the Library of the Congress of the United States and selected for its conservation in the National Registry Film. In year 2009 the film Taking Woodstock, directed by Ang Lee was released in whom the organization of the concert recreates from the figure of Sam Yasgur. Woodstock became the icon of an indifferent generation of Americans of the wars and that announced La Paz and the love as life form and showed its rejection the system, therefore, great part of the people that concurred to this festival was hippie (really they do not designate themselves thus, but thus she was as she denominated people).

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