German Quot

The walls in the bedroom should be easy to wash and clean. Vinyl wallpaper, non-woven … Looking for ideas to design a bedroom, I held a mini-survey among my friends and acquaintances. So, for all the creative approaches to the bedroom walls first place among the materials occupy the wallpaper. Somehow, in general, I have met only non-woven and vinyl. On the question of why friends have chosen these wallpapers, they shrug, gave virtually the same answer: "Liked the design." Paul Minor, shop assistant shop "A-Square": – Indeed, if we talk about wallpaper, interlining and vinyl – a good solution for the bedroom. Paper wallpaper is better not to use, as they quickly burn, they can easily scratch on them as cave paintings, will always remain a trace of dead mosquitoes.

Non-woven wallpaper is sometimes called the vandal-proof: they are difficult to damage or scratch. If dirt gets on the wallpaper, they are easily laundered. Very well established wallpaper by painting a German company ERFURT-Vliesfaser. This producer of more than 20 varieties of non-woven wallpaper with a different texture to virtually any taste. To change the color of the bedroom, not need to wallpaper paste, they need only to be repainted. Desktop Erfurt withstand a minimum of five paint layers, wallpaper with large texture can be painted for 7-8 times. Roll of wallpaper is 2300-2500 rubles. Vinyl wallpaper non-woven based on the same look great in the bedroom, and if you wish, you can easily change the color. They maintain several paint layers.

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