Lighthouse And Coaching

All have a beacon that governed our lives, in some cases is located on the edge of the coast, in others we have it as a reference family, sometimes we find it in our all have a beacon that governed our lives, in some cases is located on the edge of the coast, in others we have it as a reference family, sometimes we find in our professionin the Western world we often find lighthouses in the outside world. Instead in many fewer occasions is an inner energy that is perceptible to others, essentially this idea comes from Eastern philosophy as well as theology, even Roman Catholicism, everyone who finds it where fill him more according to their alignment of values and beliefs, taking this inner balance is allowed light to those who follow us on our way; and today I will speak of these farosque allow the world evolves, those inland lighthouses. It is proven that we are all born with an intrinsic motivation, a need to learn that it emerges to go run the stages of our lives, which must be one of the keys to management and all good lighthouse or leader has to have this quality and move it to his companions travel. And to learn, as Aristotle said, should be taught to others, not with personal glory, but for the simple desire made continue learning, since you learn new points of view with respect to what is known, if you try to explain to people with different mental maps is achieved a understanding of the knowledge acquired in the and to learnas Aristotle said, you must teach others, not with desire for personal glory, but for the simple fact continue learning, since you learn new points of view with respect to what is known, if you try to explain to people with different mental maps is achieved a comprehensive understanding of the knowledge acquired in the past that joined an inner motivation make the lighthouse or benchmark leader. What there is behind us and what exists in front of us is something insignificant if only it can be seen in isolation, compared with what exists within us which we must promote making introspective looks at all times of our lives.

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