
Let's imagine that Russia has become profitable to build roads. Not because the construction can be stolen on a comfortable old age and not because you can continue to steal at a later repair poorly constructed roads. A because it was profitable to build a road as their own. Property, which can bring substantial profits. There is legislation under which the private citizen can be the owner of the road, and where be the owner of the very profitable. We assume that roadside businesses (gas stations, motels, cafes, etc.) in addition to taxes paid to the federal budget, in accordance with the law, most directly to the owner of the road on which they are located and from which derive their legitimate profits. That all roadside advertising is established not only in coordination with local authorities, but also the conclusion of the contract for payment from the owner of the road on which it is installed. And at the same time for road users, for us the roads remain free.

And now let's imagine that Russia will change over five – ten years after these laws will work. Currently in Russia the construction and operation of roads by the State. As is known, manages the farm, any State is ineffective. Cost of road construction in our country is the highest in the world (just astronomical), and the quality and volume of construction are among the lowest. Corruption in this area only a consequence of excessive role in her state.

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