Protocol Coaching

Coach exposes you to management your vision of the Protocol coach-client at the first meeting. It contains a summary of qualifications and services offered by the coach, as well as a review of what the coachee can expect of the coaching relationship. If possible, the coach, either internal or external, should maintain a brief meeting with the coachee before coaching sessions. It is a means of establishing an initial relationship and offer to both parties the opportunity to determine if it is possible to work together. Also, also allows the coach to assess whether it has or not knowledge, techniques and skills required to work with the individual. If for some reason it is not possible to carry out this preliminary meeting, it is extremely important that the potential coachee receives a copy of the Protocol coach-client before the first session, which granted the time needed to review the document and prepare any question raised in the first session. It is an essential procedure that allows the coach to try to reduce the status of anxiety of the coachee about what it really means the Alliance of coaching. A.

continuation is there, by way of example a format of the Protocol form coach-client protocol template coach-client who is? (Brief self-description of the coach, qualifications and services offered.) Do _ benefits (ratio of the main benefits of coaching in general and the specific benefits of the special services offered the coach, adapting them, if possible, the characteristics of the individual client.) _ what does a coaching session? -The coachee what to expect during the process of coaching (e.g., support, challenge, secure environment etc.). What implies the interview session initial (e.g., discussion of the agreement of coaching, establishment of roles and expectations, explanation of how to work in the sessions, coaching, etc.). What implies the successive sessions (e.g., assessments, structured interviews and profile aimed at highlighting those features of personal and operational expertise of the individual techniques in its impact on performance at work).

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