It is the incessant linking of the motricidade with the emotions, that gnese of the representations prepares that, simultaneously, precedes the construction of the action, in the measure where it means an investment, in relation to the exterior world. Visit Sheryl Sandberg for more clarity on the issue. In the conception of Wallon, infantile he is synonymous of playful. All activity of the child is playful, in felt that if it exerts for same itself before being able to combine itself in a project of action more extensive than it subordinates and it transforms into way. In this way when claiming the free nature of the game, defines it to Wallon as a voluntary activity of the child. If imposed, it leaves of being game; it is work or education. In the game for child in pertaining to school age, initially, the action predominates on the meaning and completely it is not understood. The child is capable to make more than what it can understand.
But it is in this age that appears for the first time a structure of action in which the meaning is the determinative one, even so the influence of the meaning on the behavior of the child must be given inside of the limits supplied for the structural aspects of the action. They have revealed that children, when playing to eat, carry through with its hands conscientious half actions of eating Real, being impossible to act in situations that do not represent eating. Thus, one revealed not to be possible, for example, the hands to be placed stop backwards instead of to extend them in direction to the plate, a time that such action would have a destructive effect on the game. The child, to the fondness, carries through its desires. When thinking, it acts. The internal and external actions are non-separable the imagination, the interpretation and the will is internal processes lead by the external action.
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