The Path Of The Coach.

The path of the coach. There are ex-futbolistas with a great sports history and a certain number of them when they retire want to continue his football career as trainers, here all right. No I am already so logical is that those old footballers by very good you have been, by many titles which have won or many international matches have been played, want to become elite coaches of the overnight. Although it is clear that all the experience accumulated in his many years of professional practice in the ground game going to serve in the future for his work on the bench, but all in due time. You can that as player you have been a real crack, that you’ve been at the top of the tread, but when you leave it and pass to be coach your status now is different, so you have to go down stairs and put to the queue. This should know some ex-futbolistas of prestige that still have failed to accept his new situation. Coach is another very different thing to be player and only with the experience of being a footballer is worthless. You have to study, you must prepare, must know how to handle all of the threads of a very difficult profession in which the coach as the director of a human group has know cope in very critical situations, both human and sports.

Not enough with football knowledge, learning and development are very broad and encompass many subjects in which the technician has to demonstrate knowledge essential for the exercise of their profession, and that does not mean that the level of preparedness ensures success much less, we already know that the ball is capricious, but undoubtedly the trainer prepared and with good store of knowledge always is more likely to succeed. Makes me laugh to hear some footballer (avoid names) recently removed to saying that it is already perfectly qualified to train in first division, without even having trained nor to a team of FRY. More humility please! and more respect for other coaches who have no name, but If many years of craft and experience on the bench and they have long been waiting for their chance. Paco Arias. National football coach. Microcurso coach (1). Source: Press release sent by Paco Arias.

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