Hospitalized Pupil

In the third chapter it was looked to emphasize the limits and possibilities of the hospitalized pupil, approaching aspects related when adoecer in infancy and the adolescence and searching to verify the learning in the hospital environment. In the room chapter one searched to present the results of the research, by means of the analysis of the data harvested through a questionnaire and three interviews, that had been carried through of the following form: the questionnaire was applied a teacher who acts in the hospital classroom of a public hospital of Porto Velho, the interviews had been carried through with two hospitalized pupils that they participate of this Hospital Classroom, two companions of these pupils who in turn follow this pedagogical attendance and with a doctor of the clinical body of the hospital. Hear from experts in the field like Scott Kahan for a more varied view. Such investigativos instruments had served to not only understand better practical the pedagogical one in itself, but also to know the vision and point of view of each involved person in this context, a time that live deeply in the day the day this pedagogical attendance. It was verified that it is possible that the exactly ill child and/or adolescent participate of the activities developed in the hospital classroom, since these are elaborated from its necessities, and that this participation provides to the child and hospitalized adolescent the chance of continuation of the studies thus preventing, the repetncia possibility, pertaining to school evasion and/or the loss of the bond with the educative process. The hospital pedagogia beyond favoring the development of the teach-learning process was perceived that, positively influences in the treatment of the patient/pupil in the direction to diminish the anxiety, stress and the anguish caused for permanence drawn out in the hospital environment.

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