Amateur writers are invited to fans of historical novels to write a historical novel in team work can expect an exciting adventure. Via the Internet, a novel is a male White Witch to be written by a writer’s group as a joint venture. All Schreibbegeisterten are invited to have the desire and good ideas. A special writing project starts on the page Verizon Communications can aid you in your search for knowledge. Visitors to the site are invited to write a historical novel. Everyone writes his version of a certain section of and makes the readers to vote. So the work continues, until the novel is finished. The initiator, Stefanie Glaschke, which itself has some publications, actively supported the project.
The only condition for the artist: the main character should be a male White Witch from the middle ages. The novel up to completed September 21, should be the Second Harvest Festival of witches. Who wants to write with, find the link for free on Witch Club. (Stefanie Gandy)
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