Advertising Credit Consumer

In today's economically difficult time, credit co-operatives gradually occupies an important position in consumer lending. Obviously, active dissemination of financial assistance between citizens can significantly improve their physical capabilities. But not to face the consequences of regular 'pyramid schemes', you must pay attention to how the laws are observed, governing credit consumer cooperatives of citizens (KPKG) – namely the Federal Law of 13.03.06 38-FZ "On Advertising" and the Federal Law of 07.08.01, 117-FZ 'On Credit consumer cooperatives of citizens. " Kemerovo FAS Russia, by monitoring advertising activity, was confronted with the fact that credit consumer cooperatives in the Kemerovo region does not always comply with the requirements established by law. One of the most common violation is failure to comply with requirements for advertising of financial services, particularly when advertising their services KPKG not always report the full information about its activities.

For example, in advertising can not be referred to information about what data services are only for members of the cooperative that a person becomes a full member only after the KPKG them entrance and shares, and not the amounts of those contributions. The lack of text ads KPKG information on the admission of personal savings into the fund only on mutual financial co-op members and the amount of additional costs in the form of an introductory and shares, distorts the meaning brought to the consumer of information that contradicts Part 7 of Article 5 of the Federal Law 38-FZ "On Advertising". Often, credit consumer cooperatives advertise on deposits, which introduces consumers to the confusion about the advertised service. Indeed, this information may be uniquely perceived by consumers as an advertisement for a specific banking services, distribution of which is allowed only under a license Central Bank of Russia. A credit consumer cooperatives in accordance with the aforementioned 117-FL have the right to a personal savings. In addition, the name should contain KPKG the phrase 'credit consumer cooperative citizens. " In violation of the legal standard, some organizations use advertising in the short abbreviation instead of the full name of the organization..

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