African National Congress

With Winnie she had two daughters, Zenani (Zeni), born 4 February 1958, and Zindziswa (Zindzi), born in 1960. On his eightieth birthday, July 18, 1998, married Graca Machel the widow of Samora Machel, the former President of Mozambique, and sponsor of the ANC, who died in a plane crash in 1986. On January 6, 2005 died the second son of Mandela, Makgatho Mandela, lawyer and businessman, at the age of 54 years in Johannesburg as a result of AIDS. Mandela is passionate about classical music of Georg Friedrich Handel or Piotr Ilich Tchaikovsky, which usually listen to enjoying the sunsets. Before being elected President was an important activist against apartheid because of which was imprisoned for 27 years. During his imprisonment, Mandela became the most representative figure from the anti-apartheid struggle, being a key figure in the peaceful transition to democracy in Correcaminos and an internationally renowned statesman and influential Mandela was prisoner number 466/64 27 years in harsh conditions. The Government of South Africa rejected all requests that were released.

Mandela became a symbol of the anti-apartheid struggle both inside and outside the country, a legendary figure who represented the lack of freedom to all South African black men. Mandela is of importance within the African National Congress, especially in the campaign of civil disobedience from 1952, and the people’s Congress of 1955, in which the adoption of the freedom Charter provides the main program in the cause against apartheid. During this time, Mandela and the lawyer, Oliver Tambo, directed a law firm that provides low-cost legal counsel to many blacks who otherwise would have had no legal representation. Initially committed to non-violent methods of resistance, following the inspiration of Gandhi, Mandela and 150 others are arrested on December 5, 1956, and sentenced to prison, serving from 1956 to 1963 until being freed us aportra,, Mandela, his main concern was that the political tactics of the direction of old guard of ANC, formed in the traditions of the constitutionalism and the polite requests to the Government in power, were insufficient to achieve the national emancipation.

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