Bank Transfers

It happened all of about six weeks ago – the service seized up completely. When you try to transfer money from the purse was issued message 'invalid id correspondent'. Money in the account was – not enough to swear by, 3000 rubles, but who said that the bank has the right to assign the clients' money, if he thinks that amount is small? So he became sort out Why, actually, I lost access to their 'hard earned'? found that such a message is issued in four cases: 1) If a message is sent by internal mail, written by someone from correspondent and an incorrect identifikator.2) If the funds transfer is made and indicate nonexistent koshelek.3) If the customer uses an older version WMKeeper Classic, the client has a formal diploma or higher and at the same time trying to change their personal data via the menu Kipera.4) If the transfer of funds takes place while one of the purses locked. Blocking wallets are only the system administrator. Purses blocked in some cases, not necessarily as a result of fraudulent deystviy.Pervye three options were not appropriate, then – .Bolshoy hello! It turns out I blocked the purse! The question is, in honor of what is attention? I can launder money to bin Laden or Berezovsky? Or maybe I'm crook Mavrodi and built a pyramid, betraying 'respected the Russians'? Looked in the mirror – did not seem to like. Looked into the purse – did not like. Check site Arbitration Service showed that the questions and comments from the side, both the administration and customer WebMoney me there. . Made Smarter insists that this is the case.

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