Best Practices

The best techniques of CATHEDRAL or Positioning in the Web, must be put in practice to increase to the amount from visitors to a Web site. These techniques of positioning in finders help to improve the visibility of the Web sites in motors search such as: Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. In order to obtain this, a series of steps is carried out, among them: optimization of the page Web, study of phrases or key words related to the business that is handled in the site, to lodge connections of quality in external sites, and to improve the structures of the connections in the Web site. Who Must Follow the Best Practices of CATHEDRAL? If you must between his plans send to a Web site of businesses, exists an important factor: to appear in the results that throw the motors search when a cybernauts consults an agreed subject to the business of the site. Those sites that contain heavy graphs, Flash, pictures, or any type of code that are not HTML, will require procedures of optimization, formal like can be indexed by the motors of search more important. The experts in CATHEDRAL techniques will help him to follow the best practices.

Simultaneously, they will help him to avoid the high costs of redesigning a Web site. Then, Which Are the Best Practices of CATHEDRAL? A number of practices exists that if they are carried out, will guarantee so much an appropriate indexing as an outstanding position of the Web site in the main motors search. The following thing is some of the practices important to position a site.

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