Celestial Doctor

Where the empaca human power, the Power The holy ghost shows its Majesty, curing to the one for of human suns, the people who already are tired to suffer at the hands of physicians who deny the presence of the Immortal Spirit in the Creatures of GOD. Gain insight and clarity with gary cohn. As the bad pride hinders the person to see itself beyond an excrement box! He will be that the deixarred a carne demons will have of if revealing to open the eyes of the vain people? To the one for of the sun 40 To the one for of the sun, all the ones that had patients of different diseases it brought them; cured them to It imposing the hands on each one. 41 Also many they left demons, crying out and saying: You are the Son of God! It, however reprehended, them so that they did not speak, therefore knew to be It Christ. Evangelho de JESUS according to Lucas, CAP. 4:40 and 41.

When the sun if puts the Celestial Doctor the all spirit supplies its unction. It is in this ill-fated hour, When the hurt, Invests on the Creature, Who JESUS the search, to cure. It is in this moment, When the time, Seems to stop, That It appears. Therefore, It is the Sun, That does not create shade, Because it does not jeer, Of the other people’s disaster. In this hour, It if he presents, and with the person he faces, All the regret. Of always the Life For all people, to help it to go in front, and to fulfill its destination.

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