Practical while subordinated an institution (school), that it has proper culture, with definite purposes. Being a curricular component with a reflexiva action, that involves practical and theory as aspects indissociveis, being able to be articulador of the knowledge constructed during the course. ' ' In this vision, pedagogical making, that is, ' ' what to teach and as ensinar' ' , it must be entailed to ' ' for who and so that ' ' , thus declaring a reciprocity between the developed contents and the instruments of currculo.' ' (PEPPER, 2006 P. 67). Under this aspect, the supervised period of training becomes excellent for being the chance of the learning, to adentrar in the pertaining to school field, to collate themselves with the concrete, perceiving it as practical theoretical basement/, at the same time to reflect concerning the reality. It is a component for which the citizens must be capable to contextualizar, to plan and to manage its pedagogical action.
In Pedagogia of the Autonomy, express Freire its thought on the question of the searching professor, in its to understand, what it has of researcher in the professor is not a quality or a form of being or acting that if it adds to the one to teach. It is part of the nature of the practical professor the investigation, the search, the research. Study in felt to inquire and to search to evidence itself, therefore, evidencing, if it intervines intervined if it educates. It is necessary to search to know what not yet it is known and of this form to communicate the newness. ' ' It does not have research without education, nor education without pesquisa.' ' (FREIRE 2002 P. 14) the elaboration of disciplines was mediated by the necessity of the contact of the practical pupil with the pedagogical one, aiming at to the formation of professors dynamic, critical, searching, independent, creative, with proper initiative, capable to question the situations and to find ways to surpass the challenges and with promising actions and performances in the society.
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