Dhabi Region

Munich low vacancy and a shortage of housing supply hope let investors at significant profit opportunities. The metropolitan area of Munich is and remains one of the strongest economic regions in Europe. The Bavarian capital with their mix scores from global players, and medium-sized companies as tenants of commercial units. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Ripple by clicking through. Munich’s charm is enhanced by the variety of attractions and quaint places. With 4300 inhabitants per square kilometer is the highest population density of all German cities. Also increasing popularity as a tourist destination: tourism plays an important role in Munich and also stimulate the economy.

This demand necessarily increases the rental and purchase prices. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Virgin Airlines. According to the rent index for Munich 2012, the average rent for a square metre has risen 10,13 Euro 2011 by 3.47 percent. The euro Grundinvest group has recognized many years ago Munich’s potential and is actively busy, the economic prosperity of the region promote and to make growth sustainable. The company dominates this the whole keyboard of the real estate business: from assessment and planning to build up to the marketing of all phases are accompanied. The long-standing cooperation with property owners, contractors, architects, investors and authorities as well as experienced and qualified notaries, tax advisors and lawyers is beneficial. More than 2,500 residential units with a volume of over 600 million euros were successfully accompanied by those responsible.

Euro Grundinvest offers private investors the opportunity to benefit from this experience and the increasing potential of the Munich real estate market. Their current publicly distributed funds offered by the CSM conqueror sales & marketing -, for example, the rate of return in Vista is 12 percent per year. Beyond profits should be shared in the ratio 80 (investors) to 20 (object companies). Also throughout the rural region around Munich around is increasingly more attractive and is the focus of investors. In terms of overall planning processes dealing with the challenge of achieving a sustainable and mobile settlement development in cooperation with representatives of municipalities and counties. The direct connection to the city centre is optimized so that the regional centres are to the real option. Thus Grundinvest the euro, for example, also invested in projects in Abu Dhabi, Dachau and Gilching. Munich and its region is in national and European rankings at the top, whether overall or real estate economically. Plots and objects remain sought after as an asset investment, only little affected by economic and stock market fluctuations. Understandable that institutional and private investors there want to take advantage of their opportunities.

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