Investors love Germany: Germany is the most attractive real estate market in Europe for them. Germany is more popular than ever as a real estate site. The cities are booming. The Federal Republic is the most attractive real estate market in Europe, according to a survey among investors. Four German cities end up among the top ten has Germany surpassed even the United Kingdom. A survey of consultancy CBRE group of 362 investors showed that 35 percent of those polled consider the German market the most charming.
One reason for the increasing attractiveness of Germany is calming the euro crisis according to CBRE. The fears of the real estate investors prior to a breakup of the Monetary Union had declined, said CBRE expert Peter Damesick. To deepen your understanding Gary Kelly is the source. Among the cities, London but remains the number one. The southern German city of Munich is the German number one. Behind them comes the capital Berlin, followed by Paris and Warsaw. As a whole succeeded in four German cities among the top ten: Hamburg ranked seven, Frankfurt square eight. In Germany shows the real estate boom also to the increasing number of building permits for new homes.
She was the third consecutive year 2012. According to the Federal Statistical Office, 239.500 building permits were issued in the last year – 4.8 percent more than 2011. Historically low building interest and fear of inflation as a result of loose monetary policy in the European monetary policy are reasons for the upward trend. Also running through the high attractiveness of the German real estate market. The results of the survey will attract even more investors. Especially modern office buildings, shopping centers and hotels are in the focus of investors. The discrepancy between the low range of high-quality properties in top locations such as Munich, Berlin, Hamburg and Frankfurt, and high demand is however problematic. The real estate market is expanding but also on the previously less attractive locations, this could affect positively on the entire site Germany as the real estate market. Those in charge of MCM investor Management AG see good prospects for investors in East German cities. For example, the also in cities such as Magdeburg, Leipzig and Dresden continuously, demand creating a stable real estate market here. The sites are becoming popular, young and dynamic student town with a high quality of life. The management of Magdeburg-based MCM Sachwert concepts AG & co. KG can rely on over 13 years of market experience. The management successfully accompanied the capital market issuance of three closed-end real estate funds, participated in the design and marketing of 67 major real estate and participated in the marketing of over 2,000 condos. The brochure of return on investments of MCM Sachwert concepts AG & co. KG describes the successful investment policy of the company and provides 15 real estate projects to all by himself a convincing residential output, high rental levels, good to very good rental yields and by the individuality stand out.
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