First Academy Profession

European Summer Academy held in Berlin rules on aid are under the strict control of the European Commission. The Member States need to pay attention to national and European rules. Errors can lead to return figures of aid. In-depth knowledge on the subject of aid offers the special European Summer Academy for the first time in June 2011 in Berlin. From 22-24 June 2011 the only European Summer Academy for aid in Europe takes place in Berlin for the first time. The Summer Academy provides in-depth knowledge on practical aid issues. The workshop character can deepen their knowledge and identify difficulties, such as the experts through case studies: how to give aid to? How to performs a private investor test? How to locate aid? Beilhilferegeulngen are under strict control of the Commission.

The very broad definition of AIDS caused a huge risk, in particular for the recipient of the support. Error when you specify of a measure, the aid involved, can Repayments resulted have drastic consequences mean for the recipient So is the special focus of the European Summer Academy: registration process of private investors test new rules and current developments of aid for SGEIS Geringfugigkeit regulations / General block exemption aid for research & Development & innovation aid for risk capital investment regulatory process the program of this three-day European Summer Academy for aid provides a very practice-oriented approach of case studies and group exercises for each training session. At the end of each day, the participants must complete a knowledge test. Upon successful completion of all modules, the experts awarded your diploma by the European Academy for taxes, economics & law. More information: Summer_Academy_State_Aid_2011_PR.pdf Stephanie of Macdonald

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