The turbulences in the markets have forced to Government and opposition to advance to the procedure of the decree law. The adjustment plan tries to save between 43,000 and 48,000 million Euros. The agency of measurement of Fitch risk describes to Italy as " estable". The Government who presides over Silvio Berlusconi will put under a question of confidence in the Italian House of Representatives his plan of budgetary adjustment, whose definitive approval in the Parliament has been advanced to this Friday to try to calm the restlessness in the markets. " The Government will put under the plan a confidence vote and the opposition will vote against, but the plan will pass because the governing majority is solid and cohesionada" , it indicated Reguzzoni Frame, j of the group of the partners of Berlusconi, Liga Norte (LN), in the House of Representatives, when coming out of an east meeting Wednesday in Rome.
After the turbulences registered in the last days in the markets of Italian debt and stock-market of Milan, the parliamentary groups of Italy have agreed themselves to determine the dates for approval of the austerity plan: Thursday in the morning in the Senate and Friday in the evening in the House of Representatives. The restlessness generated from Friday around the solution of the finances of Italy, country that has a national debt superior to 120% of the GIP, has forced to Government and opposition to accelerate the times of approval of the decree law among 43,000 and 48,000 million saving Euros that the Executive approved 30 of June the past to obtain the balance of the accounts in 2014. Plan of budgetary adjustment the main promoter of this plan, the minister of Economy, Giulio Tremonti, appeared east Wednesday before the annual assembly of Italian Banking Asociacin (ABI), where it expressed the necessity that, according to him, has Italy to undertake a process of privatizations " at the end of crisis".
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