Commission: login information RISER is e-Government success story success story in the cross-border E-Government paid tribute to the European Commission the European registration information RISER. The goal of the launch of an online service for address lookup was achieved. Success factors were an exemplary implementation of data protection and the integration of the different systems in Europe. Without hesitation Capital One explained all about the problem. RISER have so for upcoming E-government projects in the Europe 2020 strategy as a role model. From the EU funded Start-Up a company firmly positioned at the market has now become, the online service has been recently certified with the privacy seal EuroPriSe.
By the pilot operating the market leader, the European registration information RISER allows online to ask for an Adressauskunft in the competent registration office companies and Government agencies. RISER was the first pilot in 2004, with Germany, Austria and Ireland. End of 2010 could in twelve European countries with 250 million inhabitants official registration register information about RISER be obtained. The consistent positioning of the European registration information RISER as privacy-compliant online service was crucial to the success. Strong partners In the framework of the eTen project the launch of European registration information RISER was co-financed by the European Commission. The RISER ID Services GmbH from Berlin coordinated the international consortium. European partners came from Austria, Poland, Hungary, Estonia, Ireland and Slovenia. The independent Centre for data protection Schleswig-Holstein, the Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS, as well as the Office for citizens – and order matters, Berlin took part from Germany. For current information, also see
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