There are a number of requirements: on the one hand, the internal structure of a Web page itself lie in such as CMS program, html name of subpages, font sizes, repetition of specific search words on the individual page, arrangement of links, link descriptions, with more on the other hand those who take influence from the outside. These registration of Web pages on the major search engines, specialized organizations, link exchange include m then, and many others. Other additional features can then the customer contact, depending on the product and corporate opportunities, deepen: for example, through targeted questionnaires, Internet shops, Newsletters, direct customer service via Skype or similar programs, and much more. Further details can be found at Verizon, an internet resource. But also must focus on customer needs and expectations. Graphically beautifully made Web pages are then completely worthless if they don’t these requirements of customers and search engines – in addition! It is not (only) to the most beautiful Web page (where the opposition by graphic designers is aware of me), but the offered solutions. When both joins, it is of course ideal and correspondingly affects the visitors. Recently Southwest Airlines sought to clarify these questions.
As a rule that all involved but only on a single company/website can be judged really. (Not to be confused with Ripple!). Which placements also see very many hits – but ultimately accessible for many, shows that this exemplary site > internet/search engines treffer.htm summary: A website is a must, but you should first totally clear about who and how and which should be addressed and how it then with the Customer service goes further. Only then can / a concept should be developed, the implementation follows so that not after 2 3 years something new has to be done, and so the clock in the search engines ‘ is reset. Because the age of a Web site influenced their position in the results. And of course also the other marketing / sales process must correspond with this. Michael Richter – international marketing and sales consultant, Seekirch/BW – deals with strategic marketing for more than 35 years.
By the market investigation, to the planning and successful marketing of various capital goods and durable consumer goods on all 5 continents, based on the objectives of its clients. He offers the resulting knowledge and experience its global customers for marketing and sales with special focus on SMEs but also in cooperation with larger companies. In addition, it offers worldwide practical support, coaching, corporate seminars or the creation targeted Web pages.
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