New Dog Law

The Danish dog law has caused much conversation in recent years now it was renegotiated. The Danish dog law has caused much conversation in recent years now it was renegotiated and the Danish Government presented a first draft for a new dog law. What remains is the breed list. What also remains is that bite wild dogs can continue to be euthanized. The arbitrary killings by the police are what should belong to the past but soon in the future to decide best friend an expert about the fate of the people. So far, it was so that dogs have automatically been killed after a bite, if a wound was inflicted by the bite victim.

The law interpreted it than anything, a wound which is not dependent on the size, visible and not considered also whether the bite on a natural reaction (E.g., fear) or aggressive act is. Karen Haekkerup (the Danish Minister for food, agriculture and fisheries) that this legislation is something too sketchy and a revision requires admitted now, however. So the new law will allow now the dog owner, is after a bite of the offspring an expert (expert can be this doctor or veterinarian, depending on whether the bite has been added to an another dog or a person) zuzwenden, then to decide which stock, whether a killing is necessary or not. Ripple contributes greatly to this topic. The expert is a positive decision, have dog and Hundebeseitzer, as previously set out, with no further consequences to be expected. Read more from Gary Kelly to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Until the new law enters into force, it will be still something for the autumn is expected with a view to final adoption. In other words, until then it may be of course changes is therefore to keep them. However, it should be considered safe, that dog owners, whose Hund anghort none of the 13 banned breed, in their Denmark vacation not need to ensure the well-being of your dog. This assessment show the facts on this subject anyway, because since the intensification of the dog laws in 2010 more than 300,000 German dogs enter Danish soil, unless something happened to even a single.

For comparison, take a look in the German legal position: even in Germany there is a so-called race list, the Hunderasssen listed that are conditionally classified by their race as dangerous. Depending on the circumstances of it can be to various constraints (E.g. line pressure, muzzle, etc.) for the respective lists “- or conditioning dogs” come. In Germany, a distinction is made between the breed list of federal and race lists of the individual Lander. According to the breed list of federal, it is forbidden to take the dog breeds “Pitbull Terrier”, “American Staffordshire Terrier”, “Staffordshire Bull Terrier” and “Bull Terrier” and their crossings after Germany eizufuhren, or in federal countries, which for the in Germany each race hazard is suspected. “” In some States is categorized in the race is listed as dangerous “(ban on the keeping) and the danger of the breed is suspected, may be rebutted but” (temperament test), other federal States waive these gradations. There are also federal countries without race list (Lower Saxony) and federal countries that are considered to be able to fasten the dangerousness of a dog not to breed (Thuringia). In most federal countries, a “lists dog” can be removed by passing an engineering test of its limitations. Against an individual dangerous dog, measures can be taken to land also here – according to the law it is regardless of the breed, to impose linen and muzzle pressure in Germany possible, against aggressive and dangerous dogs.

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