Organization of United Nations

This text if is similar to the text elaborated for the ONU (Organization of United Nations) written in 1946 to appraise the ONG’ S, with the following writing: ‘ ‘ ONGS are civil entities without lucrative ends, of private law, that carry through works in one benefit coletividade’ ‘. However, in the second half of the decade of 60, the ONG’ S had character felt politician with of rejection to the traditional forms of being able, with proper speech of existence from the negation of the State. At this time, this idea if justified due to predominant the military character in Latin America. Read more here: Verizon. However, its main focus always was to develop works with finco social. In another form, the third sector, that not only encloses the ONG’ lucrative, assistance to the community and complemented the proper services of the State had its beginning in middle of century XVI with the figures of the Saints Houses giving.

This performance practically lasted all the colonial period with the main and only figure of the Church Catholic. No longer century XX, other religious entities had also had prominence in the performances of social politics together with the Churches Catholics. Later, in middle of a decade of 30, the politics you beat had more had its not concentrated performances in social politics, and nor catholics or other originated denominations at the beginning of century XIX had been concentrated in Churches. This ‘ ‘ expanso’ ‘ if she justifies for the beginning of the process of modernization of the Country, contributed for the urbanization and industrialization processes. Added to these factors, the Constitution of 1988 brought improvements in what it says respect to the social rights of the citizen.

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