The activities of non-expert organizations and individual experts and not regulated at present virtually no regulations. As a result, the burden of assessing the results of this activities rests directly on the persons carrying out justice – mainly on the judges. Even worse is the case with court interpreters. Virtually the only requirement for them is a sufficient ownership language of the proceedings and the language, which is owned by defendant, the defendant, etc.
It is obvious that persons engaged in law enforcement, can not assess any jurisdiction, nor the integrity of the judicial interpreter. Justice can be defined as law enforcement, committed in the procedural order. Then, under this definition encompasses not only the activities of courts and judges, but also of investigation and inquiry the whole law enforcement system: the internal affairs agencies, prosecutors, customs, etc., as well as the subjects of this activity (investigators, investigators and other persons, guided by the procedural rules). Likewise, individuals facilitating the implementation of justice – court interpreters and experts – are engaged not only in criminal, civil and arbitration proceedings, but also in other stages of the criminal, civil and arbitration process. Role these individuals is high enough, because without their participation, in many cases, no process is impossible. However, if the civil status of judges, prosecutors, investigators and other entities involved in justice, clearly defined, and their expertise does not require confirmation, since they themselves are members of certain state institutions, it is not always possible to tell about the process involved experts, specialists and translators. The activities of non-expert organizations and individual experts and not regulated at present virtually no regulations. As a result, the burden of assessing the results of this activities rests directly on the persons carrying out justice – mainly on the judges. Even worse is the case with court interpreters. Virtually the only requirement for them is a sufficient ownership language of the proceedings and the language, which is owned by defendant, the defendant, etc. It is obvious that persons engaged in law enforcement, can not assess any jurisdiction, nor the integrity of the judicial interpreter. If the state expert institutions still exist, no formal association or organization of court interpreters do not.
Often before the judges, investigators and interrogators gets complicated problem: where to find one or another specialist for an unusual examination or its holding in terms shorter than those offered by the state expert organization? Or where to find and how to persuade participation in a rare language interpreter – for example, Roma, tobosaranskogo, Kurdish, etc The search for translators and specialists can take considerable time for workers and loaded without enforcement and judiciary. Optimal solution the aforesaid complex problem would be to create organizations as a matter expertise, and legal translations.
Such organizations, including the state, acting on the basis of the accreditation documents, would become centers of activity to promote the implementation of justice. The urgent problem is not solved legislatively, naturally finds settlement under the commercial initiatives. In Rostov-on-Don, operates the joint office of court interpreters and expert bureau consisting of “Open World”. As a result, the support provided by the Rostov Regional Court, Judicial Department in the Rostov region at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, Department of Internal Affairs of the Rostov region, Rostov Oblast Prosecutor‘s Office, Southern Customs and other authorities in the face of this organization have a single center Language and expert services, working under direct contracts with customers. Center serves the Rostov region, as well as some districts of Krasnodar and Stavropol regions.
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