Pros and cons of ordering goods over the Internet are well known. Of the benefits – it saves time, lower prices and a wide range of products. On the downside: the inability to see the goods live, fear of fraud (for prepayment) and difficulty with the replacement of marriage. Creators online shop furniture 'Mebel-812.RU' (website), based on the residents of St. Petersburg and the region, considered all this, which made obtaining of furniture through the site as convenient and attractive. Here are just some of the benefits: 1. LOW PRICES. The prices 5-15% lower than in conventional furniture stores (due to lack of spending on rent, staff, etc.).

2. Rapid execution of orders. Delivery time on average does not exceed 14 working days. (Store only works with warehouses and large manufacturers who have a permanent warehouse program.) 3. AFTER RECEIVING PAYMENT. Only after checking the delivered goods, the buyer pays for an order that eliminates the possibility of cheating. 4. WARRANTY.

When purchasing furniture buyer receives (as it should) trade and cash checks. If necessary, store will provide certificates for purchased goods. In If you have any claims, eliminates all the shortcomings the store itself. 5. EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT – Work on clearing and cash. 6. SERVICE. A full consultation by phone, email, icq. For those who wants to see furniture in person, the addresses of the partner stores around the city. 7. STANDING STOCKS AND DISCOUNTS. The range of online-directory 'Mebel-812.RU' is constantly expanding. Go to the site () and select the furniture yourself to taste.

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