Stress Free Holidays

So it will be stress-free Christmas in a few weeks Christmas Eve is coming up. Every year on the 24th of December and for repeatedly surprising a lot of people. The desire much interpersonal harmony and time for your own needs through a decreased self-esteem, and self-confidence as a result of decreased, unfortunately to often leads to conflicting results. Conflict in the relationship or the family through an unusual harmony external pressure up to separations on Christmas Eve. Why is that and how can you counteract this unpleasant fallout of the Christmas season? This explains the coach Dirk-Oliver Lange, regulation maintained balance with his hamburger LifeB coaching company since more than 10 years clients through coaching to the life: the run-up to Christmas and the real highlight of the Holy evening can by excessive perfectionism and false expectations, becoming the best moment of the year involved a real perception of the current state of physical, emotional and mental trigger. The basis for the emergence of fears and uncontrollable emotional outbursts may be the consequence. Then it happens ever, that it responds ready to unjust and unusual and selects wrong words.

Still many people expose an increased negative stress, to get the perfect gift for loved ones and often uberschulden itself to make a joy partners or family members, although currently there is no made the financial situation. Disillusionment has then often the next credit card statement.”counteract can through an expansion of consciousness and the associated increase of self-esteem. Conscious decisions to reduce fears, such as for example the fear of failure, and it does not slip in the much-quoted victimhood with the result, don’t lose control of yourself and the situation. This result is obtained immediately through a coaching before the holidays, with security a contact person for intractable apparent requirements have, which can be reached via an emergency service over Christmas. A small, but very meaningful measure, so that the celebration of love is also the celebration of love. The holidays should serve the Lebensentschleunigung and give time and space for its own needs, feelings, and emotions. More information is available in the Internet under “” or call LifeB coaching under the number +49(0)40-76 39 37 49. press contact: LifeB communications PR and public communication Dirk-Oliver long Hans-Henny-Jahnn-WEG 53-22085 Hamburg phone + 49 (0) 40-76 39 37 49 – fax + 49 (0) 40-35 07 94 95 mailto: – corporate information: LifeB coaching closes an important gap in the care of people by providing prevention services, whose self-esteem is reduced or that are affected by exhaustion and anxiety, stress, panic attacks, depression, Burnout or Boreout. In close cooperation with doctors, healers, therapists and Our life is balance coaching psychologists where these professionals can be not more active in your daily life. A sustainability management is therefore possible for an inpatient or outpatient hospital stay. Coaching sessions take place, at home or at a location of their choice in the country and abroad in Hamburg clients.

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