Exploratory observation, time consuming and large analysis, can give a lot of artifacts and significantly enrich the methodology logoritmicheskogo education, reveal complex relationships with lo-goritmiki related sciences, with a musical education, to identify its impact on speech violations. It is crucial implementation delayed Mr. Observations of the results of correctional work. In this case it is not so much about the kind of observation as a method, but rather about his time with the studied object. The researcher should always carry a delayed observation to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of rehabilitation techniques and its section – logopedic rhythm.
The facts in the study logoritmicheskom You can collect and use of sociological methods: interviews and questionnaires, analysis of the interaction, rating, self-paired comparisons. Interview and questionnaire drawn up only after prior period study (language problems, the nomination of a working hypothesis, a plan of study). Interviews are usually preceded by a questionnaire. Distinguish nestandartiziro-bathing interviews, standardized and polustandartizirovannoe. In the first case, the wording and sequence of questions during the conversation may change. In the second case the questions are presented in sequence. The results of this interview is easier amenable to recording, quantitative analysis and comparison. As disadvantages of this method are the lack of flexibility, inability to penetrate deeply into the situation.
Polustandartizirovannoe interview includes as clearly defined issues that should not change and the issues that the researcher can operate freely. During the survey it is recommended to find out what interests the researcher, indirectly, that is through number of special issues, avoiding ambiguous words and language are too long. Transcript of the interview should be done in the course of his or immediately after. The questionnaire addressed at the same time a large number of individuals studied, but deficiencies in questioning more than interviewing well known as a situation in which the respondent will answer questions, it is impossible to establish direct contact with him, it is unknown what portion of the questionnaire Returned completed.
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