The Truck In The Winter Service – The Most Important Attachments At A Glance!

Manages the professional winter service as forklift businesses in use are with snow slides, snow chains and shields of space for trucks, it is worth it, to think, to use the fork stacker for the upcoming winter service – either the own Betriebshofe and snow and ice to keep the company premises or also as an option for the welcome extra income in the winter. The professional winter service is easily doable with the right attachments. This article provides an overview of the main equipment for motor trucks in the professional service of winter. Most importantly a safe passage for the forklift truck in the winter. Normal forklift tyres have little or no profile, so that even thin snow cover here can lead to massive problems, quite apart from what areas. Snow chains are the first choice here, to ensure the safe passage of the truck in the snow. Meanwhile, snow chains are available for all tire sizes Gabelstapler-.

At the time of purchase care should be taken here not only on the correct tyre size, but particularly on the test standards and seal, to ensure a good quality of the steel snow chains for forklift trucks. To relieve large areas of snow, snow shields have become in recent years for forklift trucks. Within the snow shields differentiates between a snow plough for forklift trucks and a forklift snow pusher, with the biggest difference being that a forklift snow pusher is rather suitable for smoother surfaces, because a snow pusher for forklift trucks as opposed to a forklift snow plow does not have an automatic level control. A snow plough for forklift has a level adjustment, however, and thus also uneven surfaces can be freed very efficiently by the snow. The use of forklift attachments is but simple: both snow shovel, as well snow plough are recorded with the fork tines and are immediately ready for use.

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