Think Ahead

Ask the manager is more important for the firm – past, present or future, and intelligent people are likely to reply: "Everything." If, however, force him to choose, he will probably choose the future. He admits that yes, indeed, this is crucial, but the real leaders are thinking about the prospects, create enticing picture of the future and lead people to him. This behavior is a real leader. The correct behavior. However, experience shows that the words managers are often at variance with the case.

To confirm this, we have developed a simple but effective test to "measure" the degree of orientation leaders for the future. We called it "a verbal test." We ask managers to perform the following simple task – to write a few sentences about your company. Everything. No additional guidance. To complete the task assigned to 10-12 minutes. Students quickly and casually write, some are more expressive, than others. And then the fun begins. Participants read their own writing or partners, paying special attention to the verbs.

We ask them to underline all the verbs used, and then count how many of them grammatical features belong to the present time, how many – past and future. A simple exercise, but the results are quite indicative. How, for example, online roulette, much more convenient reality. Since the disposal of participants have only a few minutes, they have no time carefully "sanded" their texts. But this is what gives the result because it allows you to evaluate the earliest assotsiatsii.Vot example: Pinnacle Corporation is located in Buffalo, New York. Unas 850 employees working in two shifts throughout the year. We produce men's and women's shoes for tourist trips. The main product – the goods line GripMaster, but we also successfully sell goods and lineykiClimbCaptain. Company distributes its products in 13 countries. We sell mainly through spetsiapizi-polished retail stores, sporting goods, and – in the athletic department stores. Advertising we place mainly in Travel magazines theme. The company was founded in 1936 by Hugo Popov, always insists on using top quality materistov. Today, Pinnacle – one of the best. respected brands in the industry. Our marketing studies consistently show that consumers are choosing products for their quality of Pinnacle. Produced by our trekking boots are not the most stylish, but we focus on the serious tourist. Our sales last year totaled $ 35 million. Now we add a chain of Johnson's Sporting Goods in a group of our distributors. With luck, next year we will achieve sales of 40 million dollars. "

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