Many pages begin with good intentions, but at the time of shaping in a design effective Web the intention for which they have been created, layouts does not finish reflecting their potential completely. In many cases it is not for want of talent of the designers, nor because it in particular fails some point in the chain of creation of the Web. That is the problem, exactly: There is something is not as well as it would have to be, and nevertheless, we cannot indicate it with justeza. And as to attack a problem of root we first needed to define it and to know its nature, that is what we must do with our site. If the metric ones do not rise, the rates of conversion are not as good as they would have, if bounce rate is too high, there am a series of tools online of very low cost here that will help him to obtain the data that is needing to change that of its page that is not working. Usertesting. One is a site that offers the service to make review its page by real people, who are monitored while they do it. Company gives video with commentaries spoken of users as they cross his Web, and report written, where they stand out what it was to them attractive from the site, which did not like and most important the description of which it would be the factor would take that them to leave the site.
Feng-GUI. It is an ideal tool to analyze landing pages and home pages. Maps allows to realise heat, where they will be reflected the points that attract with more intensity the glance of the users. It allows to redefine the elements that deserve to be outstanding, and to change by more effective designs from the point of view of conversion of call to actions. For corporative users it offers Apis who give the opportunity to include their technology in the creative process.
UserFly. The site offers an instantaneous report of usabilidad Web on the part of real users. Very appropriate not to waste time and money in theoretical information and to obtain concrete results good. UserFly records to the visitors to its site, the movements of the mouse, the areas where they do click, and the way in which interacts. Creating an account, the system allows to record ten captures per month free, and the rest of the tariffs is very accessible. With these tools it is possible to detect the faults in the design of the site, and to correct them in time before all a campaign of marketing is wasted, or a site fails. It remembers that this type of solved errors in time avoids great breaks, and can be the cause of the failure of a site that in principle were an excellent idea, but was shipwrecked in his materialization.
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