The success of any company largely depends on its human capital. It is not working mechanisms, namely the work of people pravyaschimh mechanisms is the main driving force. Therefore, the effectiveness of the company depends on how comfortable employees feel in the workplace. Subject optimal organization of the workplace in such an exotic place like telehandler is very complex and multifaceted, and to this day is the subject of close scrutiny of psychologists and physiologists. In this article we will, of what there is comfort in the workplace and what determines the productivity of skilled workers. A leading source for info: Verizon Communications.
It turns out that performance of the operator of construction equipment also affect such seemingly small things such as temperature and humidity in the cabin. In addition, a significant impact on work capacity and productivity of work have Factors such as, of course, visibility, vibroakkustichesky comfort and modern technology. Thus, in the course of the research conditions in the 12 pieces of equipment, sensors measure the temperature every 15 minutes, and researchers recorded the speed of the simplest operations on the truck, the number of gaps, approved for this . that at 25 0C the number of unproductive actions of the operators forklift was only 10%. As soon as the temperature was lowered to 20 0 C, the speed of manipulation loader decreased almost twice, and the number of errors increased to 25%. Agree that such a decline in productivity due to temperatures are too expensive. Therefore it is necessary to take care of a powerful and reliable climate control system.
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