Combined coffee machines. Combined coffee machines are recommended for connoisseurs of coffee drinks and amateurs to experiment. Combined coffee machine combines in a single package the coffee grinder and coffee maker. Next to the grinder may be attached an additional bin for other coffees. Combined coffee machine can not only produce high-quality coffee beverage, but also boil water for tea or soup quickly preparation. Three-liter tank has a built-in filter, designed to clean 300 liters of water. Coffee beans are poured into the coffee grinder and grind.
Freshly ground powder is poured into the horn mounted on the grinder. After filling horn must be removed from a hole in a coffee grinder and compacted ground coffee. Horn with powder rammed transpose into the coffee maker to brew the drink. In combination coffee machine can make simultaneously 2 cup of drink or more servings. In some models, 2 servings are prepared at the same time, in other series. While simultaneously preparing the coffee grinder grinds the beans immediately into 2 portions. When Sequential preparation of one cycle after the other.
When brewed the first portion of coffee, coffee grinder grinds the second. On available machine indicates control light. Control panel lights help control the temperature of the water and coffee. Price combined coffee machines may exceed the cost of two separate zlektropriborov: coffee and coffee makers. Advantages of the combined coffee machines: Beverage can be used as organic coffee beans and ground or pressed. Disadvantages: The quality of the beverage from ground coffee depends on the skills of ramming the coffee powder in the horn. Automatic coffee machines Automatic coffee machines are the most expensive of the combined coffee machines (from 20 000 rubles). In an automatic coffee machine the process of preparing a coffee beverage is fully automated and does not depend on your skills. Once you've filled coffee beans, poured into water, found the number and strength of the drink cups and pressed the power button, the machine itself namelet necessary amount of coffee powder, will give the right amount of water and steam and prepare high-quality drink. From grinding grain to the finished cup of coffee runs about 30-40 seconds. Beverage fully preserves essential oils, and caffeine in freshly ground coffee. When cooking each new batch of coffee uses only fresh-water and remove stagnant water from the pipes of lead. Automation dictates when to fill the grain and pour water to clean tubes and disposal of used coffee grounds. Electronic memory retains preset parameters for re-preparing a coffee beverage. In an automatic coffee machine can be several functions: to adjust the number of cooked cups of coffee and a fortress drink (from 7 to 14 grams of coffee per serving), setting the mode of cooking, depending on the hardness of the water, flushing the water pipes in cooking every cup of coffee and the entire system is turned on and off machines, automatic shut-off. Advantages of automatic coffee machines: the possibility of making high-quality coffee beverage to any person who is not holding any skills. Disadvantages: high price and need some skills to Coffee with whipped milk (milk can beat only with the help parootvodyaschey tube). Built-in coffee machines Built in coffee machines (from 30 000 rubles) is designed for installation in kitchen furniture. They do not violate front of your kitchen, because hidden behind furniture doors. If necessary, fill the grain, pour water or to clean the machine easily pulled out of the furniture niche on telescopic rails. Dignity Embedded coffee machines is that they do not violate your own artistic style cuisine.
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