It should be fully identified with what represents the dimensions of the process, as noted, are those expressions that account for all movement, the transformation of the process and lead to a new quality of transcendent character with which he identifies, and is the result of that movement. Production management, is supposed to be guided mainly by an industrial engineer who is qualified, trained for this responsibility, must be fully identified with the scope, impact that fosters quality management processes, identify quality goals, the main problems encountered and the actions, policies to follow. Specifically, as discussed, identify the subject of quality management are the needs and expectations of customers, in terms of products, which pass through different levels of determination through successive transformations in the different processes that foster inter- quality is generated as a whole. Additional information is available at Rory Sutherland. These levels determination of the object are the different states in which it appears, from the needs and expectations of potential customers on products, from then on real needs and expectations of customers (customer requirements), then by technical specifications (product requirements) until the characteristics of product quality. To this is added as quoted by Maria Moreno, consider the problem of quality management in production and social services is the need of products and services possess the quality characteristics able to meet the specific needs of product and / or customer service.
The quality policy are the overall intentions and direction of a business organization related to quality as formally expressed by top management. The quality goals are quality goals to be achieved, is something coveted, or pretended, related to quality. The method of quality management is the way face the problem of quality management in the circumstance of quality management by the men who carried out through an interactive sequence, hermeneutics and dialectics of steps through which gradually transforms subject of quality management in order to achieve quality goals. The result of quality management is the configuration that integrates all the rest. It is the realization of products, the subject of quality management in their final level of determination in order to achieve customer satisfaction. It is important to also take into consideration Moreno cone indicates that the problem of quality management in production and service are the setting that causes the process of quality management and how this antinomy are in business organizations the political configuration of the quality, being the setting of quality objectives which plays a mediating element between the first two. In the relationship between the problem of quality management and quality policy, the primary is the problem, while the quality policy expresses the solution of the problem, since this is the overall intentions and direction of an organization on quality, with the objectives of the quality settings that synthesizes previous ones, as these are set and deployed throughout the business organization, be consistent with the quality policy. In conclusion, it is necessary to pay close attention to the current reality of the way and are considering the current systems of quality management to ensure productivity and everything that may lead to results where the product is backed by manufacturing this both the quality consumers demand.
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