In addition, there is such a thing as a specification. This is a list of substances included in the finished product. Usually there tells you how humidity or what the concentration of the active substance in a substance must have the components that make preparing drugs, and, consequently, the information system should be functional for the light weight, moisture, of the active substance. Continue to learn more with: Oracle. With regard to finished products and the importance of accounting partionnogo no doubt, as there may be situations when you want to delete a whole batch of defective goods. Manufacturer need to know where she sold out – for some outlets, through some distributors. ERP-system should make it possible to trace the path of the defective goods to the consumer is almost a check.
The experts also called number of functions required for the pharmacy information system: pricing goods in accordance with the rules of the regulated pricing for selected groups LS, LS poseriyny accounting and tracking of defective series, the presence of features vacation at discounted and free recipes and personalized holiday allowance of this type of drugs patients are entitled to benefits, counterfeit tracking, monitoring required range, a special account number groups of drugs – potent drugs, groups A and B, etc., organization of help desk function to provide information about inventory in any subdivision of the pharmacy network in real-time interaction automated pharmacy management system with external reference systems, work with bank cards, the use of gift certificates, promotions, trade "on the models." To ensure all These queries are needed the ERP-system, with suitable functional. Basic package for ERP pharmacies must contain the following blocks: Block "PURCHASE". Formation of orders to the supplier, the registration receipt of raw materials and products, control of execution of orders, returns to suppliers of raw materials and products and training information for accounting of settlements with suppliers. Block "MUTUAL".
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