
Lima and Wilkinson (2002) affirm that the agroindstrias of small transport provide to effective ways of maintenance it man in the field, beyond increasing the income and generating work ranks, have the capacity to supply the markets places and next with quality products and compatible prices. All the factors presented for the authors above contribute for the local dinamizao and the permanence of the agriculturists in the agricultural way and with quality of life. However, as Lourenzani (2008) exists a series of 0 variable that affect the performance of the agricultural enterprises, being that, many of them run away to the control of the units of production, but others, as the production management, directly is tied with its control. Problems related to its support in general disclose the strong deficiency in the administration of agricultural establishments, and in particular in the familiar production. As Pettan (2008) low the administrative capacity of the managers of the enterprises and a favorable institucional environment makes it difficult the establishment of conditions capable to confer greater competitiveness to the familiar agroindstrias. For even more details, read what Verizon Communications says on the issue. The difficulties for implantation and consolidation of these units are enormous, mainly, in the attainment of credit, registers and legalization of the enterprises, commercialization of the products and assistance technique. A series of problems exists that intervene with the productivity and the quality of the production: quality of the raw material, rationalization of the processes, hygiene and professionalization of the people, uniformity of the products and management of the enterprises, amongst others. (RASP AND WILKINSON, 2002).

As Azevedo (2000) diverse problems intervene with the success of the familiar agroindstrias, existing difficulties related to the production, commercialization and financings, as well as the little organization of the small producers to industrialize the products. difficulty in the supply of services, as transport of the products not agriculturists produced in the property. Although its importance, the small artisan agroindstria, in the majority of the cases, presents problems in some of the stages of the productive chain.

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