In Germany, not only German brands, but also IR trademarks and EU Community trade marks are protected. German marks the German marks are governed by the trade marks Act (Markengesetz) and are managed by the German trademark and Patent Office (DPMA). Whether a brand in the German trade mark register is registered, ask yourself online with the DPMA, this free registration is necessary, first of all before you get access to the data. The registered trademark is protected only for the classrooms sen, in which it is registered. The list of classes can be found in 19 trade mark regulation (Gazette).
Can also retrieve the list of the Division into classes and information, on the Internet page of the DPMA. “IR trademarks the term IR mark ‘ is the abbreviation for the international registration of marks according to the Madrid trademark agreement (MMA) and according to the Protocol to the Madrid Agreement (PMMA). The validity of this brand is so based on international treaties between the Member States, 107 et seq. MarkenG this effect in national law is anchored. The register is kept by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva. The entry in this Register automatically has the protection of the brand in all 183 Member States resulted in including also the United States and Japan. The international registration has the advantage that only a single application for registration must be made after the Madrid system over the application in different States.
The registration of the brand, the brand in all Member States is protected, the circle of the Member States continues to grow. A current list of members is on the Internet. In Germany, the IR mark or just resembles a German brand. So Japan is an international trademark registered, these may be injured easily by improper use in German advertising. All IR marks can be researched online directly with WIPO under ipol/en/search/madrid/search-struct.jsp Community trade mark a Community trade mark represents the industrial property right within the European Union and is registered with the Office of harmonization for the internal market (OHIM) in Alicante, causes the registration of a Community trade mark there, that the brand in all EU countries is automatically protected.
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