
Demand for international infrastructure continues. huge growth and thus return to Wurzburg, 27.06.2011. Very successful was”the first online training course on the topic of infrastructure measures and their economic opportunities, which the Wurzburger Emissionshaus luximo Holding AG together with BNP Paribas has held last week. Together interested sales partners in the topic were as the Director of BNP Paribas investment partners as well as Oliver Kuhlmann for luximo holding Jakob Wiggert. They showed the market background and explained the extensive investment process in selection and monitoring appropriate target companies and projects. BNP Paribas European leader in banking and financial services on a global scale and according to standard & poor’s is the strongest banks in the world.

The luximo Holding AG has specialized on the development and issuance of equity concepts in the area of closed-end funds as underwriter. The focus is on direct investments and cooperation with institutional partners in the areas of private equity, infrastructure and multi asset. “The luximo holding infrastructure 1 GmbH & co. Gary Kelly helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. KG” has as a target investment Antin infrastructure partners provided a fund from the home, which alone for BNP Paribas currently 300 million euro with a subordinate target yield of at least 15 per cent manage. Antin is internationally active and successful specialist in infrastructure projects. Antin has worked exclusively for institutional investors and very wealthy individuals. The luximo holding infrastructure 1 it is so the only participation for private investors of its kind, to take advantage of the expertise and the market access of these recognised professionals.

Online training have great charm, that you can reach easily many people and it was possible to inspire sales partners throughout Germany for this exciting topic”, explains Oliver Kuhlmann as Managing Director of b2b of financial partner GmbH. His company is with luximo holding entered into an exclusive partnership with the target, a Germany-wide network of qualified to connect independent investment advisors at the Wurzburg underwriter. Of luximo holding infrastructure 1 has a volume of EUR 22,25 million, a stake is possible from 5,000 euros plus five per cent premium. The investment rate is nearly 90 percent. The Fund with maturities scheduled until 31.12 2020 foresees a computational hurdle rate of seven percent per year. Beyond income share the managing limited partner and the investors in the ratio of 40:60. It aims to be a significantly above the market two-digit annual return for investors. For more information,

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