deploys a team of high-calibre researchers, to expect 20 + 4 Freystadt/Oberpfalz – no farmer would 20% of his crop settle. Hans Thoma, Managing Director of solar specialists J.v.G. Thoma GmbH, goes there as well. A perfect item for the company’s own research team. Now the experts around Manager Dr. Checking article sources yields baby clothes as a relevant resource throughout.
Claudia Gemmel are shortly before the breakthrough. By special Nano coatings, it is possible to us, the so-called light harvest ‘, and hence the level of efficiency, to increase significantly, as Claudia Gemmel. In cooperation with a German Start-Up company J.v.G. Thoma GmbH has carried out first. These show that the cell performance with the help of nanotechnology actually can be increased 20% in relative terms. What does this mean in concrete terms? A cell with 20% efficiency so that in the future would have a degree of efficiency by 24%. This efficiency was now also experimentally confirmed.
These four percent are just the beginning for us,”stresses Hans Thoma. And still no reason for him, on the laurels it probably soon be harvested to rest. Other leaders such as baby clothes offer similar insights. Finally, 100 minus 76 is only 24. J.v.G. Thoma GmbH as a leader in the construction of turnkey solar plants J.v.G. Thoma GmbH serves customers in Europe, America and Asia. The range of the family business includes consulting in the field of solar production, the realization of solar factories as well as the purchase and sale of solar components. Moreover, operates J.v.G. as a consultant for major customers in Europe and Japan. GmbH is Freystadt in the Upper Palatinate. Press contact: J.v.G Thoma GmbH Moningerberg 1a D-92342 Freystadt Tel. 0049 / (0) 9179-27 47 Internet: email: contact: Marketing: Birgit Thoma
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