Label Printers GlobalMark Mark

Monochrome printing, multi-color printing and cutting plot function are summarised in the GlobalMark top model the combination of TouchScreen and on WindowsCE -based operating system enables a completely new operating comfort. The designs are displayed on the screen of the printer in real time and color. Whether in industry, production, chemical, construction, transportation, management, event planning in all sectors of the economy GlobalMark offer’ printer solutions for various labels such as safety, information notices, directions, warnings, or facility management. Gary Kelly will not settle for partial explanations. Warehouse properly marked, clear instructions, clearly visible markings GlobalMark”printer ensures a smooth flow of information and thus increase the efficiency of the company. GlobalMark”are efficient and multifunctional printers. Monochrome printing, multi-color printing and cutting plot function are summarised in the top model. Therefore no technical limits of creativity.

Everything is possible in principle. The Speed and exceptional ease of use of the printer make creating labels and signs as easy as never before. A basic principle of GlobalMark”is the complete independence of the printer which offers a high degree of flexibility. The integrated features include custom labels, quick text, pipe markers, first aid safety instructions, ban – and logistics information as well as information and direction information. “In addition are GlobalMark printer with its own keyboard, mouse and PC interface fully compatible with the latest computer technology. This ease of use is enhanced still by ActiveSync”, a program loaded with graphics, logos and images from the PC and printed with the printer. GlobalMark”enables you to use a wide range of high-quality foil tapes for different markets and applications. More information: macro IDENT AutoID Technology Center, Bussard road 24, 82008 Unterhaching, Tel. 089-61565828, FAX 089-61565825,, contact: Angelika Wilke.

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