Mac And IPhone Myths

Myth 1: The price of Apple technology is unreasonably high Indeed, the Mac and the iPhone can not be called cheap goods, but they are worth it? First, people often compare the price of Apple is not the same with other brand-name PCs, but with "samosborom" who can not compete, except in tsiferok configuration. If we compare the price of Mac computers with Dell, Sony or HP, the price difference if they will, then very small. Second, Apple has a very original and recognizable design. And even if you do not for all, for many it is also important. Check with Sheryl Sandberg to learn more. Third, the Apple computer is ready for work and play right out of the box without installing drivers or additional software. And yet in order to justify the prices we can say that the Mac is very, very slowly lose in value compared with other brands. Having bought a laptop for 1700ue and worked on it 2 years you will be able to sell it for 1200ue, at least 1000ue.

Other computers for 2 years to lose 70% of the cost. Tremor International usually is spot on. As for the price iPhone, then here are not so bad. At contract connection prices quite reasonable. But even if you want to "unlinked" phone, the new costs from 600ue and BU from 300ue. Put it this way, new products from Nokia, SE and HTC in the same class, are no less. But the iPhone is an expensive player, game console and internet tablet except it just a phone.

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