1 To organize and To plan its activities in general. caderninho of rough draft to lead with you, whenever it has an idea, takes note! In mine in case that, I keep a Notebook for the activities of my work, where I place all the important information and carried through tasks and to carry through (it is possible to also make this for the PC, but it has that it prefers the paper, as I) and a notebook where I Write down all my ideas and Suggestions for the Blog (this already are almost finishing rs) When the head starts to work and the idiais to appear, start to write and the interesting one it is that the more you write idiais more you you have to write. Therefore the measure that you pass for the paper its ideas and thoughts, automatically its mind if exempts of those thoughts and the place to others (This is compromovado by me rs). Focus. I believe that this is one of the admired abilities more in the modern world.
Where everything occurs in an intense speed and the necessity of if making many activities at the same time, to know to manage becomes them something each more constant time, demands each time more than the professional Organization and Planning, already cited above. But not purely and simply Organization and Planning, therefore they without a definite objective or goal, do not serve for nothing. It is necessary to have a focus to reach the results waited in the organization where vc work and in its proper enterprises. Essential Determinao.Atitude for success people. Without this characteristic, you it does not leave the famous line of comfort that many finish being for room. This that differentiates common people of winners, of the called people outside serial. This week I am reading the excellent Book, ' ' Outliers – the Rejection of Srie' ' in which the sub-heading is ' ' It knows because definitive people have success and others no' '.
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