Pedagogical Project

It does not mean only terminology change. It is characterized for the sum of decentralization and participation, conscientious and clarified, of the people in the decisions on inherent substantive questions to the field of its work. According to LUCK (1998), the management is associated with the reinforcement of the idea of democratization of the pedagogical process, understood as participation of all in the decisions and its efetivao. The interpretation of the pedagogical dimension and politics in the administration gained force with the new lines of direction and bases of the national education. These norms lead the set of professors and agents of the local community to the biggest participation in the taking of decisions and the operacionalizao. The administration is understood as the regulation of daily. It is managed from a conception of management. The management is more than administration because it estimates a strategical conception.

The democratic management indicated in the LDB n. 9394/96 are interpreted as social construction. It is treated to conceive the school as a social, inserted organization in a local context, with proper identity and culture, materialized in its Politician-Pedagogical Project constructed for its collective. In the democratic management the look of the school is come back toward its Politician-Pedagogical Project, proper place of socialized decisions, with participation and all the segments of the pertaining to school community. The School is, therefore, understood as a place where all must work for the accomplishment of a collective project, to which all are committed. In a school compromised to the democratic management, all are become fullfilled with the gotten successes, make responsible for failures and if they pledge for its overcoming. (Brazil, National MEC-Plan of Education for All). It fits, to the competent pertaining to school manager, to promote the creation and the sustentation of a propitious environment to the full participation of professionals, the pupils and its parents, in the process of pertaining to school socialization, a time that is for this participation that its members develop social and sensible critical conscience of citizenship.

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