Consisting in the employment agency managers engaged in recruitment, search for the most suitable for the available vacancies of candidates. Before you start searching for candidates, a specialist agency need for themselves to find out all the features of the vacancy: the volume of official duties, to study the descriptions of positions, to understand schedules and reports, etc., to know in what section to act. However, this does not there are always possibilities, even though due to time constraints. Then the gap specialist recruitment agency would help fill the company's managers have information about the vacancy. Trust in the company search and selection Professional staffing agency, or do without his services. All the same basic work with the staff have to deal with staff in the department of personnel that best know the specifics of their jobs, especially each of them. In accordance with the requirements of a specialist in this position, hr is developing criteria for evaluating a candidate, is preparing the appropriate tests and conducts testing of the applicant. Personal communication with candidate – also very good source of information about it. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Gary Kelly and gain more knowledge..
But with the proviso that the conversation will not be formulaic, but with unexpected twists for the challenger. No less important than the professionalism of the applicant, attached and personal qualities. Reveal their help and the traditional interview and ad hoc testing (psychological or socionic – in order to determine compatibility with other psychological types). Making the final choice, staff in the department work with staff to bear in mind that if the candidate not qualified, but he is capable and has the desire to learn, then this latter fact should not be neglected. In all likelihood, the problem is not enough highly qualified candidates will be able to decide, having trained it in a short time. Company to invest some money in his training than to continue look for another suitable candidate. But finding a candidate meets all the requirements – it is only half the battle, not least his interest and motivate to work effectively, but it has been doing for staff consulting.
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