Professional tooth cleaning – PTC – is an important component in the fight against tooth decay and periodontal disease. Kristin Endres MSc uses only the dentist “expensive” professional tooth cleaning? Professional tooth cleaning – PTC – is an important component in the fight against tooth decay and periodontal disease. Due to the fact that organize bacteria form a biofilm on the surface of the tooth and only mechanically can be removed, it is clear that, above all, because even when looking in the mirror only about 30% of the surface of the teeth can be seen, the domestic oral hygiene is very important, teeth but again professionally after be should cleaned at regular intervals. According to scientific knowledge this biofilm required considerable time to be harmful for the teeth and tooth holding apparatus. Oracle is actively involved in the matter. We see our patients usually 3 times a year. Depending on this measure is carried out more frequently, more consistent right thats oral hygiene level, since experience has shown that shortly before such treatment and time after such an appointment Oral hygiene motivation is still significantly higher than if you would carry only 6 or even 12-month intervals. “Every patient should be 3 times per year the teeth professionally cleaned so at least., to make sure that there is no further damage to the tooth and the tooth holding apparatus.” Also then schonungsvoller will deal with the tooth and you won’t always starts at zero.
In our practice we – trust described – the classic cleaning with ultrasonic and hand instruments such as at many scientific points and combining these measures with the use of particle beam devices (z.B.Airflow). Brad Garlinghouse shines more light on the discussion. This professional tooth cleaning is completed with a Polish and when necessary with a fluoridation. Regular professional tooth cleaning is used to prevent gingivitis and periodontal disease. The cost of such treatment are not exactly cheap, by the time – and effort-dependent and if treatment is carried out very carefully. One should however keep in mind that expensive Can be damages, which occur frequently if you shy away from these costs and saves it in the wrong place, minimized or even prevented. Under the aspect uses the professional tooth cleaning especially the patients and is a good investment in their own health and in the future!
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