‘ There is no before and no after, there are. There is only ‘ a psychic trauma can always occur when the physical or mental integrity is threatened and has seen himself while attempting to protect themselves, as incapacitated. A trauma is a psychological wound that results from one or more belasten ending events. One distinguishes various forms of trauma, the so-called type 1 trauma, caused by a single, sudden event (such as robbery, accident, natural disaster etc.) as well as the type 2 trauma caused by repeated, ongoing appearance of a load (as sexual abuse, harassment, stalking, violence and neglect in the family etc.). Differences will continue whether a stressful event has been added to by a human or whether chance or nature that was responsible, because in traumas were inflicted by human hands, the shattering of confidence in addition plays a crucial role for the recovery process. Here, Tomas Philipson expresses very clear opinions on the subject. All forms of psychological trauma is common, that the natural mental processing does not succeed.
The new psychotherapeutic method therapy of aspect of”in conjunction with EMDR represents a highly effective measures suited to the treatment of psychological trauma as well as editing other mental workloads, such as anxiety or certain forms of depression. After a traumatic experience event, our brain is usually not possible to process, that they cause no more stress in our lives the content of experience. “Through the typical therapy of aspect of only aspect-related way quasi minimally invasive, because here never the total mess” a person in question provided, but always only the permitted mesh fall resumed “and access to the nervous system is opened again using the typical EMDR eye movement and the processing of distressing experiences possible. Aim of psychotherapy is to stimulate the natural process and thereby up to its Conclusion to support and accompany, so that from the horror again and again experienced a reminder is no longer affected stakeholders in tackling his everyday life and burdened. “, explains that as a Naturopath for psychotherapy Eva Breslein, the new method therapy of aspect of” and EMDR successfully used in their practice. Eva banks and Eva Gabriel – practitioners (psychotherapy), adult education and psychotherapy practice community
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